Was There A “Golden Age” Of Local TV? And If There Was, Was Boston The Center Of It?

“What makes that era seem if not golden then at least more sophisticated is that by comparison, local television today, Boston included, is in the doldrums. For the declining influence of local television, and for the withering influence upon younger viewers, executives blame the internet and the profusion of cable options. A reason they do not acknowledge is that it was made easier by the decline in quality since the era.”

Chicago Actors Speak Out About Edward Albee Casting Issues

Actor and writer Tania Richard: Who’s Afraid of Virginia Woolf “is not about a dysfunctional couple who is also possibly racist. It’s not about a Black man trying to make it in academia either. Mr. Streeter’s casting of a Black actor within the time period, on a small campus with two predatory characters cannot happen unless the Black actor’s skin color is ignored, overlooked and ultimately sacrificed for the story. Theatre is not the place where minority actors need to be sacrificed. It’s been done.”

How You Know You’re Probably Being Fired As Artistic Director

Greg Miller, who has worked at the theater for 27 years, said he was blindsided by the decision. But in retrospect, he should have have predicted changes were afoot — especially after he was told he no longer had to attend the annual board retreat. “I found it that odd since I’m the head artistic officer in an arts organization [and] I was no longer required to come speak at board meetings when my job description states that that’s required of me.”

The Ten Things Drama Schools Ought To Be Teaching Actors (Per One Experienced Director)

“It’s probably not a realistic or even practical list, but let’s indulge in a little blue-sky thinking.” Tim Wilmott’s list includes the obvious (physical and vocal training), the practical (balance film and stage training), the controversial (drop improv and Meisner), the dubious (political radicalisation), and, possibly, the hopeless (we’ll let you guess which one that is).