A ‘Nondenominational Leader’ At This Year’s Ojai Music Festival

“The annual gathering [in Southern California] is seen as a litmus test, suggesting where contemporary Western art music is headed. [Vijay] Iyer is the first jazz musician – and the rare artist of color – to serve as music director, a position that rotates every year. He has paid less attention to the festival’s history than to the opportunity it presents.”

‘Piddling But Priceless’ – Tales Of The Small Regional Grants From The NEA And What They Accomplish

Joanna Walters visits a choreographer in Ohio who created dances based on ailing seniors’ life stories, the director of a literary center in Idaho that gives writing classes and workshops to low-income kids, an award-winning poet and novelist in New Mexico whose early-career NEA grant kept her and her husband off food stamps, and the community arts center in Florida that taught the writer of the Oscar-winning film Moonlight.

Top Posts From AJBlogs 06.07.17

The problem with problems
If you work in the arts in higher education (or any education, for that matter), you are likely talking or hearing more about “complex problems,” or perhaps “wicked problems.” These are shorthand for … read more
AJBlog: The Artful Manager Published 2017-06-07

Old world order
It’s hard to dismiss someone who looks you in the eye and tells you their truth. We were in the front row for Atlas des Kommunismus at the Gorki Theatre in Berlin, so the … read more
AJBlog: Performance Monkey Published 2017-06-07