What American Book Publishing Was Like Only 80 Years Ago

“In the entire country, there were only some four thousand places where a book could be purchased, and most of these were gift shops and stationary stores that carried only a few popular novels. In reality, there were but five hundred or so legitimate bookstores … [and] most were refined, old-fashioned ‘carriage trade’ stores catering to an elite clientele in the nation’s twelve largest cities.”

Copyright Case Against South Park Parody Video Thrown Out Of Court

“A federal appeals court affirmed Thursday that a 2008 South Park parody of a real-world video – ‘What What (In the Butt)’ – did not infringe on the YouTube video of the same name … [The] the outcome affirms the right that you can get an infringement case thrown out of court – via a fair-use defense – without having to go through an expensive trial.”

When Publishers Know Everything About You

“Imagine a scenario where a publisher is able to cross-reference a reader’s profile on their news site with information gathered through social media profiles and other online behaviors. The product, still in private beta, triangulates all the signals we leave around the Internet to try to create a unified picture. You can see how this would be useful to a news outlet that wants to better tailor its content for readers or simply needs better ammunition to raise their CPMs. (And you can see how it might raise the hackles of privacy advocates.)”