The Man Who Invented The World Wide Web Thinks It Needs To Be Reinvented

Tim Berners-Lee: “It controls what people see, creates mechanisms for how people interact. It’s been great, but spying, blocking sites, repurposing people’s content, taking you to the wrong websites – that completely undermines the spirit of helping people create.” So this week Berners-Lee met with a group of his peers to consider ways to create a Web that’s less centralized and less subject to control by governments and corporations.

North America’s Mostly White Orchestra World Gets Together To Talk Diversity

“The League of American Orchestras, representing a mostly white industry, opens a three-day national conference Thursday in a majority African-American city at a time of increased racial tensions and heightened awareness of economic and educational disadvantages. The principal topic of the 2016 gathering in Baltimore: diversity.”

Sexual Harassment In The Theater, And How Chicago’s Theater Community Is Combating It

“Auditions are tough, and casting directors may be unwilling to hire a so-called ‘problematic’ actor when there are so many talented people in line for the job. If you’re worried that one complaint could stall your career, you’re not alone. The dynamics of power persist from one type of performance to another, and we can learn from what happened in Chicago.”

Top Posts From AJBlogs 06.08.16

Not so much power?
I’ve read some things about what Yannick might do as the Met’s music director, when finally he starts that job. … In some of what I’ve read, there seems to be an assumption that Yannick will have a lot of power. read more
AJBlog: Sandow Published 2016-06-08

Warhol Damaged, von Rydingsvard Caressed: My Storify on Unexpected Encounters at the New SFMOMA
As you’ve probably guessed if you follow my Twitter feed, I’ve neglected the blog because I’ve been traveling in the San Francisco area, where I spent two rewarding, if exhausting, days (Friday and Monday) … read more
CultureGrrl Published 2016-06-08

MoMA’s Hidden ‘Electro-Library’ Show
It’s only a couple of vitrines, and they seem like overflow storage — as though they’ve been placed out of the way in the downstairs mezzanine of the Museum of Modern Art’s education building  … read more
AJBlog: Straight|Up Published 2016-06-08

Black and white and gray all over
Twitter, like the world itself, is populated partly by thoughtful, open-minded people and partly by knee-jerking robots of flesh and blood who are incapable of reacting other than automatically and reflexively to the external stimuli …read more
AJBlog: About Last Night Published 2016-06-08

Bach on the Piano
I have a good friend who’s a magnificent pianist, maybe sixty years old. Some years ago, my friend remarked: “You know, when we were young, there were a lot of major pianists. … They were all different, of course. But in every case you could understand why they were major pianists.” “Except for Pollini,” I said. “Except for Pollini,” he agreed. “Nowadays,” my friend continued, “anyone can be a ‘great pianist.’” read more
AJBlog: Unanswered Question Published 2016-06-08
