Does Glee Have Copyright Law Problems?

A post at the law blog Balkinization observes, “The fictional high school chorus at the center of Fox’s Glee has a huge problem – nearly a million dollars in potential legal liability” for crimes like performing “a near-exact copy of Madonna’s ‘Vogue’ music video.” Andrew O’Hehir points out that the show “is itself an example of a new business model for generating revenue from popular music … Glee is a music business revenue machine. The cast spawned 25 Billboard top 100 singles in 2009.”

Composer Jack Beeson, 88

“Nicolas Slonimsky once described Mr. Beeson’s approach to composition as ‘enlightened utilitarianism.’ That characterization delighted Mr. Beeson, who eschewed dogma … His pragmatic approach was exemplified by Lizzie Borden, his fourth opera,” premiered by New York City Opera in 1965 and revived there in 1999.