Report: Live-Streaming To Movie Theatres Is A Gateway To Live Arts Attendance

“The Live Cinema in the UK Report 2016 defines live cinema as films augmented with additional activity, including soundtracks played live by musicians, site-specific screenings, and interactive singalongs. This is distinct from event cinema – such as live and recorded screenings of theatre and opera – though the two have a comparable economic impact. In 2014, Secret Cinema’s live cinema production of Back to the Future grossed £3.5m, while the National Theatre’s event cinema screenings of War Horse grossed £2.9m.”

That Viral Video Of Dancers Mixing Ballet And Hip-Hop? It’s Driving Some People Nuts

“For all the positive attention the dancers have gotten – most have applauded their style and confidence, and they’ve performed on multiple major TV networks since the video went viral – some viewers have attacked the Hiplet style and the legitimacy of the teacher who created it: Homer Bryant of the Chicago Multicultural Dance Center. … Chicago magazine spoke with Bryant about racism in classical ballet, the Hiplet safety debate, and the role his school plays in the city.”

Cole Porter, Indiana, And Me

“How do you celebrate one of the 20th century’s most sophisticated artists in a place where his brand of sophistication and artistry is not generally valued?” Cathy Day – like Porter, a native of Peru, IN – looks at Hoosiers’ ambivalent (if that’s the word) attitudes toward the great songwriter and other high achievers who leave the state.

Allan Kozinn: What A Spiked Review Says About The State Of Arts Coverage Today

“The sequence of events and their timing, as well as the correspondence, tell us a lot about how criticism is perceived in the current journalistic ecology. It also shows us to whom editors – or at least, one editor – feel beholden, and shockingly, it is not his writer or, by extension, the readers who expect to find reviews of major productions shortly after they open.”

This Violinist Spent A Month Playing Free Pop-Up Bach Concerts With No Promotion Whatsoever (And It Was A Raging Success)

Michelle Ross: “A lot of times we talk about outreach in classical music: ‘How can we break whatever preconceptions people might have? How can we bring classical music to people who aren’t exposed to it?’ This concept of outreach is really important, but I think labeling it as outreach can sometimes make us feel like we have to explain ourselves or we have to explain the music. And I firmly disagree with that.” (Q&A with video clips)

Top Posts From AJBlogs 06.09.16

Shock and ‘Eh’
I’ve been to enough ‘creative economy’ presentations to know how they generally flow: They draw a big circle and then flash a big number. The big circle includes lots of creative industries — from nonprofit … read more
AJBlog: The Artful Manager Published 2016-06-09

At the League conference
In this post: I’ll be at the League conference. My thoughts on the conference theme, diversity. classical music institutions don’t do enough planning, when they look for a new audience. … read more
AJBlog: Sandow Published 2016-06-09

Emerging from, Returning to Dust
Yvonne Rainer’s The Concept of Dust: Continuous Project — Altered Annually. … read more
AJBlog: Dancebeat Published 2016-06-09

Jeremy Steig, 1942-2013
Flutist Jeremy Steig died on April 13 at his home in Japan. He was 73. His death was confirmed days after the fact. “He didn’t like to read about musicians’ deaths in newspaper obituaries,” his wife … read more
AJBlog: RiffTides Published 2016-06-09
