“It was going to be glorious, positively Jetsonian. With digital broadcasting, the television industry once promised, the TV set would be transformed into a miraculous info-appliance, the modern household’s electronic brain.” Remember? “Well, the future officially arrives this week, and it’s . . . not exactly as advertised.”
Tag: 06.10.09
NSO, In China, Finds Universality Of Concert Experience
“In Macau, the [National Symphony Orchestra] was meeting a new audience in a new venue. But there was the same warm, wood-paneled auditorium with red plush seats; the same program bios, here in Portuguese and Chinese; the same ushers pouncing like hawks on young people trying to text on their mobile phones during the show.”
Tony Hype Aside, B’way Needs Other Ways To Draw Crowds
“With last Sunday’s Tony Awards unlikely to provide a serious boost at Broadway box offices because the big winners are already hits, producers are counting on word of mouth and discounts to prevent closings and dark theaters this summer.” Until the fall season begins, “Broadway’s financial health will depend largely on the Tony winners and losers’ finding ways to build audiences at a time when New York tourism — a backbone of summer attendance — is projected to decrease slightly.”
Merce Settles The Future For His Company And His Dances
“He has decided that when he dies, or when the right time comes, the Merce Cunningham Dance Company will embark on a final two-year international tour and then shut down … Meanwhile, Cunningham associates will prepare detailed records of the dances so they can be licensed and given authentic productions by other companies.”