It’s Official: Bolshoi Dumps Nikolai Tsiskaridze

A Bolshoi spokesperson confirms that the principal dancer and Russian media celebrity – who has spent at least the last two years loudly criticizing the Bolshoi’s management, artistic product and renovation, and has repeatedly demanded that he himself be appointed the theater’s director – will not have his contract renewed when it expires at the end of this month.

Is It Okay (Or Even Legal) To Make Art From Other People’s ‘Abandoned’ DNA?

“It has been described as both ‘creepy’ and ‘cool’. But amid the publicity surrounding a provocative art project that creates ‘facial reconstruction’ sculptures based on the analysis of DNA on cigarette butts, chewing gum, and other detritus collected from the streets of New York City, one question has remained unasked: is it legal?”

Opera Conductor Bruno Bartoletti, 86

“[While he] conducted around the world, including in Rome, at London’s Royal Opera House in Covent Garden, at the Teatro Colon in Buenos Aires and, for many years, at the Maggio Musicale festival in Florence,” he was best known for his 35 years as artistic director of Lyric Opera of Chicago, which he heped make into one of the world’s top companies.