New Study: 80 Percent Of Movie Critics Are Male

The research was conducted by the University of Southern California’s Annenberg Inclusion Initiative, which released its findings Monday. Researchers studied the reviews of the 100 top-grossing films of 2017 that were posted on the aggregation website Rotten Tomatoes. Of the 19,559 reviews studied, 77.8 were by male critics and 22.2 were by female critics. Stacy Smith, founder and director of the Inclusion Initiative, said film critics are “overwhelmingly white and male.”

The Roving Pops Conductor Who Says He Likes Bringing Music To The People

Stuart Chafetz says that while classical fans came because of the orchestra itself, pops fans had a different goal. “‘They were coming for the Bee Gees, or they were coming for Randy Newman, or they were coming for Jurassic Park,’ Chafetz said. ‘I often ask, ‘First time to the symphony, round of applause.’ The whole place erupted, and I thought: ‘There’s something here. … You know, this is my mission.’'”

It’s 2018, And TV Shows Are Still Having Some Trouble Figuring Out How To Portray Abortion

Well, not all of them – East Los High, on Hulu, has had several discussions and storylines on the show, and then there’s Crazy Ex-Girlfriend and a few others. Perhaps things are changing though: “I’m not sad that Time’s Up is happening and that Me Too is happening, that we’re talking about consent. … It certainly was great in that it started a conversation about female sex and pleasure.”

Net Neutrality Ends Today

Barring some last minute miracle, the protections of net neutrality will become something people in the US used to have instead of something they still enjoy. “Internet service providers will be much freer to block, speed up or slow down access to certain content” – but only until state regulations come in to prop up the freedom of the internet waves.

Inside The Architecture Of North Korea Is A Pastel Fairyland Built To Forget The Agony Of Its Citizens

“‘Pyonghattan’ was the joke nickname given by foreign diplomats to a cluster of shiny cylindrical towers that emerged in the capital in 2012, assuming this was a one-off publicity stunt. But since then, almost every year has seen the grand unveiling of another lavish trophy project, each more futuristic than the last, with parades of jaunty towers dressed in sci-fi costumes and crowned with cosmic symbols, worthy of scenes from The Jetsons.”

Netflix Is Eating TV Alive, And Here’s How

Whew. This in-depth piece definitely calls the future of storytelling in favor of Netflix: “TV has gone through major transformations in the past — cable and Rupert Murdoch’s Fox toppled the hegemony of the Big Three broadcast networks in the 1980s, for instance — but this leap dwarfs all others. Netflix doesn’t want to be a streaming, supersized clone of HBO or FX or NBC. It’s trying to change the way we watch television.”

It’s Time To Eliminate The Casting Couch, Says SAG-AFTRA, And Gets TV Networks To Agree

One lawyer characterizes it as “the very first step in a very long marathon” toward a finish line of ending sexual harassment and assault in the industry – but it’s a good step. “SAG-AFTRA struck a new deal with ABC, CBS, NBC and Fox, which limits private meetings in off-site locations, including hotel rooms and private residences.”