Why Shakespeare Is … Palestinian

Amir Nizar Zuabi: “The man might have been born in Stratford-upon-Avon four centuries ago, but he is alive and well today in Aida refugee camp, not far from the church of the nativity in Bethlehem. … [The] reason I say this with such conviction (and even dare, sometimes, to believe it) is that, reading his plays, I have a sense of familiarity that can only come from compatriots.”

Chileans Arrested During Protest Of Pro-Pinochet Film

“The protesters decried the film as revisionist history. ‘This is a homage to a murderer and a thief, responsible for deaths, torture and exile,’ said Bárbara Riquelme, who said her father, Samuel Riquelme, a former chief detective, was arrested and severely tortured after the coup. ‘This government should have denied permission for this homage, but it didn’t, because it also has blood on its hands.'”

ABT Dancer, After Some Frantic Press Coverage, May Meet Birth Mother

“When ballet star Jennifer Whalen flies to South Korea next month, she’ll have a lot more on her mind than what tights and slippers to pack. Whalen, 26, is somewhat of a media sensation in the Asian nation — and not because of her work on stage as a senior corps member of the American Ballet Theater. The Koreans are fascinated with her because she’s one of their own: She was born there, left at an ophanage, and adopted four months later by a loving Irish-American couple. But now, she may finally be able to meet the woman who gave birth to her and then gave her up.”