Ai Weiwei Says America’s NSA Is Becoming Like China

“Even though we know governments do all kinds of things I was shocked by the information about the US surveillance operation, Prism. To me, it’s abusively using government powers to interfere in individuals’ privacy. … I lived in the United States for 12 years. This abuse of state power goes totally against my understanding of what it means to be a civilised society, and it will be shocking for me if American citizens allow this to continue.”

Now Iran Has A Jon Stewart – And His Satire is Illegal

“[Kambiz] Hosseini’s scathing and hysterical news podcast is an essential part of the weekly media diet of Iran’s middle class. Produced by the New York-based International Campaign for Human Rights in Iran, and incorporating sound bites from the week’s headlines and commentary from Hosseini, the show channels the pathos of a generation desperate to intervene in a meaningful way in Iran’s political charades.”