Delaware Art Museum’s Cash-For-Paintings Plan Violates Public Trust

“The trustees of the Delaware Art Museum have violated this principle by declaring that the proceeds from this sale, as well as the sale of up to three other works—expected to raise a total of $30 million—will be used to pay down $19.8 million in construction debt, with the balance to be added to the operating endowment to offset persistent operating deficits.”

San Jose Repertory Theater Shuts Down After 34 Years

“Founded in 1980 on a shoestring budget, the Rep, which presented a mix of seven dramas, comedies, musicals and classics annually, has been financially flailing in recent years. In 2006, on the edge of insolvency, the theater, which had a $5 million annual budget and 51 employees, turned to the city for a $2 million bailout that later was restructured into a long-term mortgage-type loan.”

New York Phil’s $200K New Music Prize Goes To Per Nørgård

“The Danish composer … on Wednesday became the second recipient of the New York Philharmonic’s Marie-Josée Kravis Prize for New Music, an award that consists of a $200,000 cash prize and a commission to compose a work for the orchestra. The philharmonic bestows the honor every two seasons. The inaugural award, in the 2011-12 season, went to Henri Dutilleux.”

‘You’re Pathetic’, Says UK Culture Minister To Non-London Arts Orgs Who Have Trouble Raising Private Funds

“I can see absolutely no reason why every arts organisation in this country cannot raise philanthropic funds,” Ed Vaizey told a House of Commons committee. “I think that too many arts organisations think, ‘well, we live in an area where rich people don’t live, so they’re not going to back the arts’. I think that is pathetic, frankly.”

Putting ‘Theatre of the Oppressed’ To Work

“Augusto Boal, Brazilian artist and activist, developed the performance methodology in the 1960s based on his theory that performance could empower the underclass. ‘Theatre is a form of knowledge,’ he claimed. ‘It should and can also be a means of transforming society.'” Lance Richardson watches that methodology put into practice with transgender youth in New York.

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Study: Intuition Versus Analytics

“Many people correctly solved more problems if the previous person had a high score rather than a low one. But, crucially, this effect was found only for a specific subset of individuals: Those who (a) tended to process information in an intuitive, System 1 way, and (b) actually touched the paper that had allegedly been handled by the previous test-taker.”