How Chile Is Changing How Movies Are Being Made Around The World

The term “Chilewood” refers to an emerging camp in its eponymous country where genre films are being made by a myriad of talents and attracting high-profile names like Eli Roth and Keanu Reeves. And the etymology of the catchy name originates with its creator Nicolás López, who dropped out of high school at 15 to produce a show for MTV Latin America and never looked back.

Has Britain’s National Trust Lost Its Way In The “Visitor Experience”?

This idol now reigns supreme in the NT’s culture: the “visitor experience” of shop, café, loos, car parks and fun for all the family, banishing the dark spectre of “elitism” and making everything ever more “accessible”, has become its religion, superseding a basic respect for the integrity and dignity of what it is charged with conserving and cherishing.