The Family That Watches TV Together …

A longitudinal study “found positive outcomes for families that used media such as TV, movies and the Internet ‘as a tool — to laugh together, to become informed, to connect, to spark discussion.’ Such shared activities led to greater levels of personal disclosure for adolescent boys, more positive family functioning for adolescent girls and greater parental involvement for both.”

The Real Problem With Men, Women, And ‘Goodfellas’

“There was a smarter column to write about gender divides over different movies. Those divides surely do exist, and just as surely have something to do with cultural assumptions and education and respective experiences, and do not require reducing a movie to unpersuasive tabloidisms like ‘GoodFellas [is] Entourage with guns instead of swimming pools.'”

Is Technology Killing Collaboration In Theatre Sound Design?

“Any good sound designer understands that technology is making our jobs more fulfilling and manageable. But it is also making it easy for noncollaborative design to emerge. Anyone can, at this moment, find a specific piece of music, from a specific place anywhere in the world, by clicking a few buttons on multiple devices. However, this does not mean that what is found is the right choice for the production.”