The Woman Who Runs Wolf Trap Opera Company

“Kim Witman, 58, is celebrating her 30th year at the Wolf Trap Opera. When she started in 1985, she was a coach, new to the opera world, playing for rehearsals and earning intern-level pay. And even now that she’s leading the company — her official title is senior director of the Wolf Trap Opera and classical programming at Wolf Trap — no job at the center is beneath her. She does a lot of things that many general directors don’t do: accompanying singers, making casting and repertoire choices, and, yes, blogging.”

Why Ornette Coleman Mattered

“To working musicians whose sense of form and craft were deeply ingrained—and whose personal artistry and place in the profession were built on improvising on the harmonies of songs—Coleman, for all his lyrical inventiveness and rhythmic drive, was a threat. Jazz could suddenly dispense with their techniques—and when Coleman became an instant succès de scandale, battle lines and generational lines were drawn.”

Kinda Sorta REALLY Creepy – Festival Using Facial Recognition Software To Scan Audience Faces

“Strategically placed cameras will scan faces at the Download Festival site in Donnington before comparing [them] with a database of custody images from across Europe. It is one of the first times it has been trialled outside, normally it is done in a controlled environment. There has been a lot of interest from other festivals and they are saying: ‘If it works, can we borrow it?’”