Where The ‘Thou Shalt Not End A Sentence With A Preposition’ Rule Came From

“It is a fantastically stupid rule that when followed often has the effect of mangling a sentence. And yet for hundreds of years, schoolchildren have been taught to create disastrously awkward sentences like ‘With whom did you go?’ The origins of this rule date back to one guy you may have heard of. Of whom you may have heard. Whatever. His name was John Dryden.”

Students Accuse University Of North Carolina Of “Artwashing” In Arts Campaign

Arts Everywhere, which kicked off its second year in April, has drawn the ire of students with public programs and artworks (including painted pianos) spread across campus. Students believe the campus-wide arts celebration disregards the seriousness of research by artists and art historians on campus, obscures systemic bias in Art Department hiring and retention practices, and ignores the pressing need to fix Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) violations in campus art facilities.

A Brief History Of The TV News Ticker

“Versions of the TV news ticker date all the way back to the 1950s, but they didn’t become truly ubiquitous until September 11, 2001. … The same way a Twitter feed today can transfix people during a crisis, the nation had its eyes glued to the scroll, waiting for the next update. The TV news ticker is a descendent of the stock ticker and grandchild of the ‘zipper’ news on buildings in Times Square. At the very least, it’s also Twitter’s neurotic uncle.”

How The Puppeteer For ‘Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt’ Made A Talking Backpack So Emotional

“In the fourth season of Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt, we learn that Kimmy had a secret friend in the bunker [where she was held captive]: the purple Jansport backpack that she lost at a dance club way back in the very first episode.” Kimmy named the pack Jan S. Port, which is played puppeteer by Stephanie D’Abruzzo (of Sesame Street and Avenue Q. “D’Abruzzo spoke to Vulture about auditioning to play an inanimate object, why Jan is like ‘a canned ham,’ and her character’s near-death experience under the dragon cloud.”

Shakespeare Asks: Which Is The More Legitimate King — The One Chosen By God Or The One Chosen By The People?

“Richard II is God’s anointed representative on earth, but by the end of the play that bears his name, he’s dead and his cousin sits on his throne. This is the story of how Shakespeare used English history to ask still-relevant questions about legitimacy, and about how a performance of Richard II played a role in the last aristocratic rebellion against the English crown.” (podcast)

Inside Simon Rattle’s All-Amateur Orchestra At The Berlin Philharmonie

George Gelles, the former executive director of San Francisco’s Philharmonia Baroque Orchestra and a lifelong (though never pro) French horn player, writes about taking part in the Be Phil Orchestra, 101 non-professional musicians from the world over, chosen by online audition, who spent a week getting coached by members of the Berlin Philharmonic, rehearsing and performing Brahms’s First Symphony under Simon Rattle.

In 2018, Why Is The Jazz At Lincoln Center Orchestra All Male?

Clea Simon: “Contemporary jazz … is full of journeymen female musicians. … An internationally touring ensemble, [Wynton] Marsalis’s band is the flagship jazz orchestra of the day, the one that he is using to establish the importance of jazz around the world. Taking the stage with 15 musicians, none of whom is female, presents the music as segregated and outdated.”

Dutch Museum Invites Visitors To Watch Conservators Clean Its Oldest Painting

“Visitors to the Mauritshuis in The Hague … [will] have the opportunity to see conservators in action, when two specialists embark on a project to clean the oldest work in the Dutch museum’s collection: The Lamentation of Christ (around 1460-64) by Rogier van der Weyden and his studio. The treatment, due to be completed by the end of the year, will take place in a special studio in the institution’s exhibition galleries.”

The Basic Problem With Our Arguments For Supporting The Arts

Both the utilitarian and the intrinsic arguments ignore the growing evidence that logic arguments, of which both utilitarian and intrinsic – though a little less for the intrinsic camp – use, aren’t the kinds of arguments that are the most persuasive. Emotional appeals work best, in part, because the content of the argument is often secondary to the emotion it elicits, and often that depends on how the argument is delivered. Click here for some quotes on why emotion works better than logic in certain kinds of arguments.

How Soon Is Too Soon To Sell Your Art After It’s Been In A Museum Show?

In general, it is considered unethical to lend a work to a museum exhibition and then immediately send it for sale—but as Maurice Davies, the head of collections at London’s Royal Academy of Arts and the former policy director at the UK Museums Association, points out: “Common sense suggests that display by a reputable museum increases financial value… so museums can’t but help making a sale somewhat more likely.” He does question, though, whether this can be proved.