Cut Canadian Radio? But We’re Radio People!

“While CBC TV does stellar documentaries and public affairs shows — and I’m sure other outlets would happily buy them — the entertainment and TV news offerings have long underwhelmed us. Shows with three-quarters of a million viewers are called “hits.” Meanwhile, radio’s audience has grown to more than six million.”

Golf Is Illegal In China. And Yet It’s A Metaphor For Current Chinese Culture

“The longer I lingered, the more I realised that the story of golf in China actually had very little to do with golf itself. In many ways, it was a microcosm of the country as a whole. Golf touched on everything: the burgeoning economy, the widening wealth gap, rural land rights disputes, an environment in peril, wild west development – and plenty of political intrigue.”

Detroit, DIA, Hire Consultant To Help Battle Creditors

“Artvest’s appearance in the bankruptcy drama opens a new front in the battle over the DIA and underscores that the fight is far from over — despite widespread support for [city manager Kevin] Orr’s restructuring plan, whose $816-million grand bargain transfers ownership of the museum to an independent nonprofit while also preventing more debilitating cuts to municipal pensions.”

The Indonesian Performance Artist Who Got Famous For Dancing On Butter

“Two years ago, the Indonesian performance artist Melati Suryodarmo gained YouTube notoriety when a version of her Exergie — butter dance was posted to the website. Originally accompanied by Indonesian drum percussion, the reworked clip set [her] performance of a traditional Indonesian-inspired dance on 20 blocks of melting butter to Adele’s ‘Someone Like You’.”