Three Members Of Stedelijk Museum Resign After Former Director Cleared Of Wrongdoing

“In the best interests of the museum, it is time to bring the recent turmoil to an end and start afresh,” write de Cock Buning, who is the board’s interim chairman, and van Rooijen. “After due consideration of the report and its findings, and with a view to the museum’s interests, we intend to step down as members of the Supervisory Board.”

Reconsidering The Audience-Artist Contract (Let’s Stop Walking Out On Work We Don’t Get)

Maura Hogan, in a Spoleto Festival USA post-mortem: “Perhaps some among us view our annual arts dive as simply transactional. The customer is always right, so we can bolt from or belittle performances as we see fit. I would argue that we are missing the point. Ditching a performance mid-show is at best disruptive, and potentially far more insidious. … What’s more, if you truly have pride in place regarding our singular city, I can promise you that the provincial attitudes regarding its relationship with world-class performance telegraph that if you scratch the surface — if you go beyond the high-end Boho apparel and performance belt-notching — the walk-outs and sneers render us collectively a bunch of yahoos.”

If Dana Schutz Can Paint Emmett Till, Then This Guy’ll Just Paint Dana Schutz’s Son

“The Somali-Australian artist Hamishi Farah … was among the artists who signed an open letter condemning [Schutz’s image of the murdered Emmett Till, titled Open Casket, at last year’s Whitney Biennial]. His painting at [Art Basel], called Representation of Arlo (2018), is a direct response to Schutz’s painting. ‘The viewer’s response to the work creates the situation whereby they hopefully reach some point of self-reflexivity, regarding their responses to situations where white artists appropriate black bodies’, Farkas says.”

Grads With Arts Degrees Have Lower Earning Potential Than Any Others: Study

“Research by the Institute of Fiscal Studies has found that … people who study degrees in the creative arts – subjects such as drama, dance, music and design – were found to make about £20,000 annually five years after graduation. This is 15% lower than the average and 35 percentage points below those who studied the highest earning degrees.”

Theatre Company Offers Live-Streamed, Real-Time Virtual Walk Through Houses And Streets Of Gaza

“Artists in London and Gaza are to launch a series of simultaneous, live-streamed performances this month in an attempt to connect people living under severe blockade in the coastal enclave with international audiences in Britain. Performers will use video projection as a backdrop to simulate walking through each other’s homes and streets, and interact as if they were in the same room, even as they are separated by 2,000 miles.”