What’s Right With The New Publishing Landscape

“To a large extent, it really is the best of times for publishing. We have a lot of potential to connect more people with more ideas more efficiently and quickly than ever before. We have more people reading and writing than ever before, though (like publishing) literacy skies are also in a permanent downward trajectory according to generations of chickens little.”

You Think The Beckett Estate Is Difficult To Deal With? Check Out The Joyce Estate

The James Joyce estate, headed by the author’s grandson Stephen, has gone so far as to get a program celebrating James Joyce banned from Irish radio and to forbid Kate Bush to use even a few lines of Ulysses in a song; Stephen even tried to prevent the National Library of Ireland from exhibiting some of its own Joyce manuscripts. James Joyce biographer Gordon Bowker explains the difficulties.

A Magazine (App) For The Most Famous News Aggregator

“Huffington, the new magazine from the Huffington Post, is something of a contradiction. As a website, the Huffington Post is a catchall that values speed and timeliness in its stories and blogs. It’s free. It’s thoroughly Internet-y. Huffington (make that “Huffington.” with the period, on the cover), on the other hand, is a deliberate experience, a weekly magazine with deep features and stories breaking four digits in word count. It’s on the iPad, and, after a brief trial period, it’ll be a paid product.”

Report: California Not Doing Enough To Retain Film Production

“California cannot and should not match states that are providing the highest level of tax breaks and incentives, whether due to higher costs such as in New York or to make up for a smaller pool of skilled film professionals. Instead it should combine strong incentives with a combination of greater flexibility and availability in order to meet the demand that already exists.”