Becoming A Brooklyn Power Couple, By Way Of An Open Relationship (Of Course)

“Daryl Wein and Zoe Lister-Jones were not thinking about the most efficient way to jump-start their careers when they decided, back in 2006, to have an open relationship. Less than happy but still in love, the couple, who met as students eight years ago at the Tisch School of the Arts at N.Y.U., were merely searching for a way, in effect, to break up without fully breaking up.” Then they made Breaking Upwards, and everything changed.

Oregon Symphony’s Executive Director Resigns

Elaine Calder “leaves the Oregon Symphony in better financial shape than when she arrived in 2006. For the past three years, the orchestra has ended the fiscal year with a small surplus. When she came, it faced a $1.6 million deficit and had long-term debt of $7.2 million. ‘Privately, we were talking to bankruptcy lawyers,’ she said. ‘It looked really, really dark.'”

Hey Newspapers (And Other Content Creators): Twitter Loves You!

“For media firms, an app pact with Facebook is Faustian by nature: it may achieve virality, but it involves letting Facebook keep their customers within the confines of its walled garden. There’s a whiff of desperation about the whole idea, like record companies trying to mitigate declining sales by giving up control to Apple. Twitter, on the other hand, is all about links to the rest to the web.”

One Guy (And His 500 Workers) In India, Hammering Out Chain Mail For Hollywood

Rai “recently traveled to the Kaiserburg Museum in Nuremberg, Germany, to study the kind of metalwork detail that went into making suits of armor. For a recent order of World War II helmets, he ensured the leather liners were stamped with numbers used by the original manufacturers. That kind of effort, he says, helps protect his business from competition. ‘This is painstaking, labor-intensive work. There’s a lot of research that has gone into our inventory, and that’s not easy to replicate,’ he said.”