Top Posts From AJBlogs 06.14.17

Metropolitan Museum as Renegade: Reorganization Defies AAMD’s Professional Standards
The Metropolitan Museum has become a renegade. Its decision to rejigger its organizational chart — elevating the finance-oriented CEO (now President Daniel Weiss) above its (as yet unnamed) new art-centric director — runs contrary to common wisdom about … read more
AJBlog: CultureGrrl Published 2017-06-14

The More Things Change…(Or Do They?)
The following post appeared on Rifftides eleven years ago this spring. What thoughts does it stimulate in readers now? Have there been significant changes in jazz since 2008? … read more
AJBlog: RiffTides Published 2017-06-14


Cincinnati Symphony Gets A New Executive Director

“Jonathan Martin, 60, a native of Atlanta, is coming from Dallas, where he has served as president and CEO of the Dallas Symphony Orchestra since 2012. He also served for nine years as general manager of the Cleveland Orchestra, including the period when the Ohio orchestra moved back into Severance Hall following a major renovation.”

‘Cultural Appropriation’ Is A Bogus Concept

Kenan Malik (a non-white writer, if you were wondering): “Appropriation suggests theft, and a process analogous to the seizure of land or artifacts. In the case of culture, however, what is called appropriation is not theft but messy interaction. Writers and artists necessarily engage with the experiences of others. Nobody owns a culture, but everyone inhabits one. … [And] who does the policing?”

Tracy K. Smith Is The New Poet Laureate Of The United States

A Pulitzer-winning author of poetry and nonfiction who directs the creative writing program at Princeton (and the erstwhile NPR NewsPoet), Smith says, “I think the responsibility really is to just help raise the awareness of poetry and its value in our culture. To me that means talking to people – getting off the usual path of literary festivals and university reading series and talking to people who might not even yet be readers of poetry.”