Why Everyone Hates The Tonys

“While it’s true that corny, old-fashioned song and dance is enjoying a resurgence thanks to “High School Musical,” that phenomenon has nothing to do with the Great White Way. For kids with a throbbing thing for Zac Efron, I suspect the Tonys is a square, graying old dame, like spending an evening with the school librarian.”

A Live Survey Of American Dance In One Week

“The Kennedy Center’s “Ballet Across America” survey over the past week proved that the country has dancing talent to burn. Yet though the companies were culled from coast to coast, they are part of a small world. More than one company director referred to the gathering as Old Home Week; members of all nine of the companies have various intertwined histories and professional connections.”

Why We’re Fascinated With Stonehenge

“Stonehenge simply looks like nothing else: no other ancient structure in Europe has its trademark form, of a freestanding pattern of door-jamb-and-lintel settings composed of megaliths. It is clearly the work of human hands, but has an unusually primordial and organic appearance, of mighty boulders smoothed, shaped and fitted together in such a way as to enhance their natural power as well as to create a building. As such, it has attracted curiosity and admiration ever since the twelfth century, and probably for much longer.”