Music Performance Fund Hits Hard Times

For 60 years, the Music Performance Fund, an unsung charity financed by a small fraction of record company sales, has “helped to bankroll thousands of free concerts annually all over North America.Now, though, the popularity of music downloads and file-sharing via the Internet has eaten away at record company revenues. And as the industry has dwindled, so has the performance fund’s ability to underwrite pro bono shows.”

The Role Every Ballerina Wants

“When Kenneth MacMillan choreographed Romeo and Juliet for the Royal Ballet in 1965, he created the most fiercely coveted ballerina role of them all. The canon isn’t short of tragic heroines – Giselle, Odette in Swan Lake, Tatiana in Onegin – but it’s the beautiful, doomed Juliet every ballerina dreams of dancing.”

Bollywood Takes It To The West

“For all Bollywood’s flash, it cannot compete with Hollywood. India makes about 1,000 movies a year, 10 times Hollywood’s total. Unlike the US, though, its films don’t travel. Nor has it achieved the crossover successes of films from Britain, Japan and, more recently, China and South Korea.” Now a push to go head-to-head with Hollywood.

The Inner Buckminster Fuller

“Recent research has shed new light on Fuller’s inner life and what really drove him. In particular, it now appears that the suicide story may have been yet another invention, an elaborate myth that served to cover up a formative period that was far more tumultuous and unstable, for far longer, than Fuller ever revealed.”