Hilary Hahn Has A Winner! (And More Than That, A Lot Of New Encores)

Violinist Hahn announced the winner on her Facebook page, but there’s more to the Encores Project than winning. “There are so many great composers out there who either aren’t on the forefront of what people are aware of or whose works I wouldn’t necessarily have come across or students who I would not have had the chance to hear their music. I also wanted people to think about writing encores. The miniature form is challenging in a different sort of way and I thought it might be fun for composers to work on.”

In Oaxaca, Unlike The U.S., Art Bows To History

“We are not dealing here with imagined reconstructions, but with the past’s palpable presence. And most of these ancient cities and monuments were abandoned some six centuries before the Spaniards plundered the region. After 80 years of archaeological research, their meanings are still unclear, though much has been written about Zapotec social hierarchies, gladiatorial-style games and stone carvings.”

Can’t Make It As An Artist? Heck, Just Cure Blindness, Then

Stephen Redenti, artist and bioengineer: “When you’re building a three-dimensional sculpture, you have to build the architecture to support the clay. Then you have to build devices to support the sculpture in progress — little scaffolds, levies, pulleys. I think that kind of found-object resourcefulness came in handy at the stem-cell laboratory.”