Washington’s Shakespeare Theatre Sues Its Landlord

“The Shakespeare Theater has filed a lawsuit against its landlord, a nonprofit organization created in support of the theater, to attempt to prevent it from raising the Lansburgh Theater’s rent by 700%, according to court documents. The theater is seeking an injunction to prevent its rent from being raised, as well as a ruling that will allow it to remain in the building. The lawsuit also requests that members of the nonprofit landlord’s board be dismissed.”

Fifty Years Of Shakespeare (Mosquitoes, Raccoons, Egrets,Etc.) In Central Park

Oskar Eustis, artistic director of the Public Theatre: “Those bugs and those helicopters, as annoying as they are, are actually making a statement: Theater isn’t supposed to be cut off from life. … Theater is supposed to be at the center of the city. It’s not supposed to be in a dead, quiet cloistered little hall where the city doesn’t get into.”

Ancient Church At Rome’s Forum To Reopen To Visitors

“By the eighth century one of the earliest churches in Rome was considered quaint enough to be called Santa Maria Antiqua. … The church was adapted in the sixth century from first-century rooms that might have been the entryway to a palace. Layer after layer of saint murals were painted. The holy men and women in images from around A.D. 700 were believed to cure disease.”