Forget ‘Crowd Curation’ – We Need ‘Standards Of Taste’

Surveying the “oddly disjointed results” of the new show at Baltimore’s Walters Arts Museum (curated entirely by the public) and the “embarrassing” results of the Pittsburgh Symphony’s YouTube competition for a concerto soloist (all four finalists were rejected, Eric Felten argues that we should leave the artistic choices to the professionals.

The Weird World Of Online Fan Fiction

“What if Edward Cullen, the moody vampire heartthrob in Stephenie Meyer’s best-selling Twilight series, was an undercover cop? Or a baker who specializes in bachelor-party cakes? Or a kidnapper who takes Bella hostage?” Fans write and post that kind of thing about their favorite fictional franchises all the time – indeed, Fifty Shades of Grey started out that way.