A National Day Of Action To Make Arts An Issue In Australia’s Election

“Arts and theatre organisations, artists and industry professionals will hold a national day of action for the arts on Friday 17 June, to galvanise renewed public support of the culture industries … The day of action will springboard into two weeks of campaigning for the arts around the country … [to combat] the ‘chaos’ caused by recent funding cuts from the Turnbull and Abbott governments.”

Top Posts From AJBlogs 06.15.16

“What Is an Art Museum?” Some 50 AAMD Members Tell Us (video)
For museum junkies like me, the video below, produced by the Association of Art Museum Directors in connection with its 100th birthday, is a delight – not only for the contagious enthusiasm and astute insights … read more
AJBlog: CultureGrrl Published 2016-06-15

How urgent is diversity?
The subject of the [LAO] conference, as I said, was diversity. … One question not asked, though, was how urgent this journey is. I thought of posing the question, but then thought it wasn’t my role to prod these good people, or to seem to be doing that. … But I will pose my question here. If classical music — orchestras included — needs to be more diverse, how urgent is that? … read more
AJBlog: Sandow Published 2016-06-15

A Music Theater Work in Progress
Truth, or at least the effort to capture it, can be problematic. William Osborne and Abbie Conant have been working for several years on Aletheia, a music theater chamber piece for performance artist and digital piano. … read more
AJBlog: Straight|Up Published 2016-06-15


How We Define Creativity In The 21st Century (And Around The World)

“Interviewing 806 young professional men and women in the U.S., U.K., Germany, Brazil, Turkey, Russia, China, and India, the report highlights three key topics. First, it defines a new global definition of creativity—combining originality, meaningfulness, and value—and the way that this manifests itself around the world. Second, it reveals a surprisingly lower degree of creative self-confidence in Europe and, in contrast, the creative optimism on display in markets that are currently growing economically. And third, it highlights the increasing importance of seeing creativity as a process to engage in collaboratively, rather than rely on a lone creative genius to dream up a solution.”