The Stark Awfulness Of Conflict Journalism

“There’s an awful word that Western media folk sometimes use to describe my kind of journalism that’s meant to be flattering but always makes me cringe precisely because it expresses so well this gap between audience and subject, and the conflict therein. The word is “humanizing.” By my own standards, if my article has succeeded, if I’ve done what I set out to do, I have to some degree “humanized” a situation—a conflict, a crisis—for the reader. But of course the subject doesn’t feel any more human for the experience; the subject, in most cases, doesn’t even realize he’s been made more human in the eyes of the subscribers to the New Yorker and the New York Times Magazine.”

If You Want To Come To My Show, You’re Gonna Lock Your Phone In This Pouch, Say Artists

“The pouch might not look like the latest techno-bling out of Silicon Valley, but it’s become the go-to tool for a slew of artists - including Dave Chappelle, the Lumineers and Louis C.K. - trying to reclaim their live performances without going all Adele on their fans. … ‘Because people still feel they still have their baby in their arm, it’s a little bit clunky but it’s better than telling them to leave their phones in their cars or forbidding it.'”

Another Ex-ABT Star Joins The New Julie Kent Regime At Washington Ballet

“Xiomara Reyes will head The Washington School of Ballet, effective September 1. The move marks Kent’s first staff appointment. Reyes will take the place of revered teacher Kee Juan Han (who famously trained David Hallberg) and who announced his retirement in late April. … We spoke with Reyes about the vision she and Kent share, her Cuban roots, relocating to DC and more.”

Wild New Designs For The Next Generation Of Digital Pianos

“The Roland Digital Piano Design Awards were open to designers and design students from around the world. Competitors were encouraged to conceive a futuristic instrument that broke away from tradition. While the focus was on the look and structure of the piano, competitors had the option of proposing alternative digital functions and sounds as part of their concept.”

Uncovering The Bits Of Video Games The Developers Hid From You

“As anyone who has ever used a Game Genie could tell you, there are things that developers don’t want you to see … Recently, I discovered that many of these discarded concepts and ideas not only remain on the cartridge or disc after their release, but that there’s a fairly significant community working to find these missing items, with the goal of bringing them to life.”