Paul Jenkins, 88, Abstract Expressionist Painter

“Early on he adopted a tactile, chance-driven method of painting that privileged almost every technique over brushwork. Dribbling paint Pollock-like onto loose canvasses, he allowed it to roll, pool and bleed, and he sometimes kneaded and hauled on the canvas … The billowy, undulating results could look like psychedelic landscapes or … ‘Abstract Expressionist rococo’.”

Help Me Sort 200,000 Books Or I’ll Burn Them All!

“Shauna Raycraft set out seven years ago to rescue over 300,000 books from being burned by her neighbour … [but] she was only able to sort through one-third of the books. Now the end has come. If Raycraft doesn’t get help sorting through the 200,000 remaining titles by the end of the month, she is calling in the fire department and burning the rest.”

Preserving Kalahari Bushmen’s Traditional Knowledge Using Tablet PCs

A team of researchers from Denmark and Namibia is working with the elders of a Kalahari Desert village “to develop a 3D visualisation of the village on a tablet computer. Their knowledge will be embedded in this virtual village to be stored for future generations. Rodil is also developing a drawing app for the tablet which mimics the way the elders draw diagrams in the sand to explain what they mean.”

Free Culture Movement Has Led You Astray (Reply To Young DJ Who Never Pays For Music)

David Lowery: “I applaud your courage in admitting you do not pay for music, and that you do not want to but you are grappling with the moral implications. … Fairly compensating musicians is not a problem that is up to governments and large corporations to solve. It is not up to them to make it ‘convenient’ so you don’t behave unethically.”