Seeking Equity In The Arts (As Opposed To Equality)

“It falls to those seeking fair equity to propose a new way to allocate resources, with all the pros and cons on the table, for there to be a basis of discussion. Put another way, those who call for redressing inequity — and here I’ll expand this discussion to include diversity and inclusion, which suffer from the same definitional complexities — must propose ways to achieve the equity they seek.”

Tempting As It Is To Think That Hard Work Matters More Than Talent…

“Far from undervaluing effort, Americans seems to overestimate the potential of their own endeavour. A 2014 study by Pew Research found that 73 per cent of Americans believe that hard work is very important to success, the highest out of all the countries surveyed. Only 49 per cent of Germans agreed. We know, from a growing pile of evidence from many different sources, that while innate ability is far from the only contributor to success, it is probably the best predictor of it.”

Even As It Prepared For Liquidation, CD Distributor Asked Labels For More Inventory

“While the company is a year or more behind on some sales payments, Allegro was still sending out purchase orders requesting more merchandise until very recently, says [one indie label manager]. ‘The last purchase order we got was June 2. It was one day before they called employees into a conference room and let them go with a check and said ‘So long’.'”

Hollywood North Is Booming (Betting On B.C.)

“Why the sudden spike? For starters, Hollywood values Vancouver for its trained crews, studio space and a record for handling such major productions as next month’s feature Star Trek Beyond, or the Ryan Reynolds blockbuster Deadpool, which hired more than 2,000 local cast, crew and extras. Geography gives B.C. another upside.”