Garrison Keillor Is Not The Man You Know From His Radio Show

“Performers often cultivate alternate personas, but with Mr. Keillor the difference is startling. … ‘Garrison in person is quite different,’ said his longtime friend, the writer Mark Singer. ‘Garrison does not express emotion in interpersonal conversations the way the rest of us do.'” (And if you think of him as kindly, remember what he wrote about Bernard-Henri Lévy: “a French writer with a spatter-paint prose style and the grandiosity of a college sophomore.”)

Is It Even Worth Attempting To Make ‘Taming Of The Shrew’ Tolerable In The 21st Century? Female Directors Keep Trying

Laura Collins-Hughes: “I have always hated The Taming of the Shrew. Of all of Shakespeare’s plays, it’s the only one that upsets me just to think about.” But Julie Taymor loves the piece, and Phyllida Lloyd and Tina Packer are but two of numerous female directors who try to come to terms with it.

Netflix Has Created A Whole New Media World – Can It Survive In It?

Joe Nocera: “At the moment, Netflix has a negative cash flow of almost $1 billion; it regularly needs to go to the debt market to replenish its coffers. … And for all the original shows Netflix has underwritten, it remains dependent on the very networks that fear its potential to destroy their longtime business model in the way that internet competitors undermined the newspaper and music industries. Now that so many entertainment companies see it as an existential threat, the question is whether Netflix can continue to thrive in the new TV universe that it has brought into being.”