UK Government Paralyzed By Rushdie Controversy

The UK’s governing cabinet, stunned by Muslim fury over plans to knight author Salman Rushdie, is reportedly split down the middle and at a loss as to how to deal with what is rapidly becoming a minor global flashpoint in the continuing culture war between Islamic countries and the west. “The mounting scale of the international protests, evoking memories of the 1989 fatwa against the author, fractured the Government’s united front on the issue last night.”

Bristol Old Vic Needs £2m To Stay Afloat

“It is the oldest working theatre in [the UK], but yesterday, the Bristol Old Vic admitted it was under threat of closing for good as it launched a last-ditch appeal to secure £2m for its survival… The now-dilapidated venue is depending on the goodwill of individual benefactors – and has even launched a telephone hotline for public donations – to save it from permanent closure by Christmas.”

It’s All A Matter Of Your Perspective

In case anyone needed more evidence of the tension between high culture and pop entertainment, consider the Sydney Symphony, which this week offered up an entire concert of video game music ranging from the classic (Super Mario Bros.) to the cutting edge (World of Warcraft). The local paper wisely sent both its classical music and video game critics to review the show: the former found the music predictably stereotypical and noted that the orchestra appeared “suitably embarrassed,” while the latter described “an epic experience that will stay with any mildly fanatical gamer for a long time.”