The Business Of Virtual Cannes

Cannes is online, and so are movie sales, in two digital marketplaces. “Both digital markets were initially conceived as being mainly initiatives to reconnect industry players. Three months later, many companies have decided as push comes to shove to launch at least some of their bigger projects now rather than wait for the fall.” – Variety

Thousands Of UK Creatives Call For Action Against ‘Systemic Racism’ In British TV And Movies

The open letter says, in part, “A direct line can be drawn from the stories and voices that are silenced and ignored, to the discrimination and biases that are pervasive in the entertainment industry and larger society. This moment in history presents an opportunity for you to be a positive partner for change.” – The Hollywood Reporter

American Museum Of Natural History To Remove Teddy Roosevelt Statue

One suspects it might otherwise have been targeted for a less gentle removal. The museum says it’s the statue, not the man, that it objects to, but critics see TR “as an imperialist whose role leading troops fighting in the Caribbean ultimately resulted in American expansion into colonies there and in the Pacific including Puerto Rico, Hawaii, Guam, Cuba and the Philippines.” – The New York Times

How Spike Lee Movies Saved At Least One Life

No matter what a mother says, Spike Lee’s movies might just have more impact. “As I watched the police take the life from Radio Raheem, everything my mother had been trying to tell me was suddenly crystallized. For me, Do the Right Thing took the police from an intellectual threat to an existential one. The police, I realized, could kill me … and no one would say a word.” – The New York Times

Learning From A Vanished Mural Of Racial Violence

John Wilson’s student mural The Incident made such an impression on David Siquieros that the famous muralist and head of Mexico’s Department for the Protection and Restoration of Murals requested it be preserved. It was, for a few years. Now, “with each passing day, it gains newfound relevance and newfound pain — its act of reckoning is far from done.” – Hyperallergic

The Future Of Art: Human Scale

It doesn’t seem clear what will happen until there’s a vaccine, but perhaps – “Museums will reopen, and galleries can stop pretending their online viewing rooms are actual shows. Exhibitions may be fewer, run longer, borrow less from abroad. Collections will be swapped, tours will be wider, perhaps there will be more slow-looking shows like the Courtauld’s Manetin 2004, which concentrated so deeply on one pair of paintings.” – The Observer (UK)