What Did In Jeune Lune

The innovative Minneapolis theatre company is closing. “They are an incredibly committed and talented group. They didn’t fail for lack of passion or commitment. But debt is debt. It’s like what’s going on in the mortgage crisis: At a certain point, you get over a tipping point, and you can’t tip yourself back.”

The Choreographer’s Unconventions

“If there is a rule book for becoming a ballet choreographer, Miro Magloire is not following it. He did not study dance as a child, and his first encounter with ballet came in his late teens, when he wandered into an adult beginners class to gain a better understanding of his role as an accompanist. Nor does his résumé include any gaudy star turns with big-name companies.”

Buildings For Dictators

“With a growing number of prominent architects designing buildings in places like China, Iran, Abu Dhabi and Dubai, where development has exploded as civic freedoms or exploitation of migrant labor have come under greater scrutiny, the issue has inched back into the spotlight. Debate abounds on architecture blogs, and human rights groups are pressing architects to be mindful of a government’s politics and labor conditions in accepting commissions.”

Internet TV = Infinite TV

“Two years ago, it seemed impossible that the internet could ever replace the television as the hub of home entertainment. Now it’s common to see groups of youths gathered round YouTube, or swapping viral clips from Big Brother rather than bothering with the whole tawdry televised affair. Cheap and easy broadband has made internet TV possible.”