Occupy Anish Kapoor! Anti-Olympic Protestors Take Over Empty House Owned By Artist

“The group, calling itself Bread and Circuses, a reference to its argument that the Olympics are a means of distracting people from pressing economic and social issues, said it had ‘liberated’ the part-derelict five-storey house on Lincoln’s Inn Fields, one of central London’s most picturesque and expensive garden squares.”

Is It Better To Be Prolific Or Slow (We Mean Thorough, Of Course)

“For an artist to remain relevant and part of the cultural conversation, no matter how degraded they might consider that conversation, they can’t stand along the wall at the party only to step into the fray every five years, deliver a profundity and then retreat. … But myself, I’ve always admired artists who see themselves not as loiterers but sharks, never stopping, always moving, if only to circle back.”

To Work Well, Online Music Recommenders Require More Than Programming

Online services like Pandora, Last.fm, Spotify and others keep on trying to figure out the algorithms – and then pulling in human recommenders as well. Why? “Algorithms and APIs can do amazing things. But at the end of the day, determining what music – as well as art, movies, books and other media – people will like still requires human beings with real ears connected to real brains.”