Shakespeareans Are Obsessed With One 1601 Performance Of ‘Richard II’ That May Have Sparked A Rebellion

Here’s the deal: The Earl of Essex and his buddies commissioned the Lord Chamberlain’s Men (you know who was in that company) to perform a play, maybe, or perhaps probably, Richard II (which concerns a monarch who was deposed), the day before they tried to rally London to support the Earl against Queen Elizabeth’s men. Whoops: “They will be accused of using the play to foment rebellion. One of them, Sir Gelly Meyrick, will be hanged, drawn, and quartered for his part in commissioning the performance.”

Musicians In Britain Are Trying Like Heck To Ensure Fans Don’t Pay Huge Reseller Prices

And yet: “The high cost of stadium concert tours is deterring some fans from buying tickets, along with the fact that restrictive British weather and the dates of major sports fixtures mean that these large shows take place in a relatively concentrated summer period.” (Not to mention the random text messages changing people’s seats either to better seats or to way, way worse seats … thanks to “production” issues?)

Can The Berlinale Regain – And Increase – Its Status As A Film Festival With Two New Directors?

The German Culture Ministry thinks the Berlin Film Festival will become “more feminine” with a woman managing director, and also that “the festival would take on a ‘younger, more international and more adventurous’ direction under its new leadership” – Locarno Film Festival director Carlo Chatrian and movie industry executive Mariette Rissenbeek.

The Very Young Composers And Their Massive First Audience

The two 11-year-olds debuted their works during the New York Phil’s Music in the Parks programs last week. And they clearly know what they’re doing: “Both girls speak with clarity and command; there was no kids-say-the-darndest-things cuteness as they navigated topics like inspiration, writer’s block and gender disparity in classical music.”

In Hungary, A Pro-Government Site Says ‘Billy Elliott’ Is Gay Propaganda, And The Hungarian Opera Shuts It Down

Hungary’s government organs embrace homophobia as a matter of course, in this case causing the opera to cancel 15 of the planned performances of the musical. “Zsofia N. Horvath said that the musical’s message of ‘Dare to be yourself’ referred ‘of course’ to being gay. ‘How can such an important national institution as the opera go against the objectives of the state and use a performance made for young people around 10, at their most fragile age, for such pointed and unrestrained gay propaganda?’ she asked.”