Why Funders Should Broadcast Their Failures

“We identify a problem (e.g., declining audiences) and we develop seemingly rational theories about how to address the problem (content with more transformational potential, more engaging efforts et. al.), but often without spending enough time or pouring adequate resources in the harder part of identifying the cause of the problem (i.e., why are the audiences declining).”

À La Recherche De Roberto Bolaño

The myths: “He was a heroin addict. He never did drugs. Hepatitis C, contracted from dirty needles, damaged his liver. He was arrested under suspicion of terrorism in Pinochet’s Chile … He was never in Chile.” The reality? “It’s also obvious that he never used heroin and that his drink of choice was tea.” Lisa Locascio looks at a new exhibition of Bolaño’s archives and recounts her own research trip to the Catalan town he called home.