San Jose Ballet Chief Steps Down After Only A Year

“News of Alan Hineline’s departure came shortly after the company announced that it had weathered yet another of many financial crises, raising $680,000 in 10 days to avoid a shutdown last March. Today, the company is on the road to fulfilling its “Bridge to the Future” campaign, having raised $1.5 million of its $2.5 million goal, expecting to reach that in May 2016, after completion of Ballet Silicon Valley’s next season.”

Uprooting The Confederate Flag From American Pop Culture Ain’t Gonna Be Easy

It’s not just all the bumper stickers and belt buckles and shower curtains and other merch: it’s motorcycle clubs and Lynyrd Skynyrd albums and Dukes of Hazzard reruns. “How do you deal with a symbol that means so many different things, to so many different people? How do you ‘take down’ a flag that has ceased to be a flag at all?”

Cause And Effect: The Way The Universe Works, Or Naïve Illusion? (Yes, It’s A Real Question)

“In short, a working knowledge of the way in which causes and effects relate to one another seems indispensible to our ability to make our way in the world. Yet there is a long and venerable tradition in philosophy, dating back at least to David Hume in the 18th century, that finds the notions of causality to be dubious. And that might be putting it kindly.”

Film Composer James Horner Dies In Plane Crash

“One of Hollywood’s most highly regarded and prolific film composers, Horner wrote the music for well over 100 movies in the course of his career, touching on every conceivable genre. His credits include some of the most successful films of the last three decades, and he collaborated with many of the industry’s top directors, including Ron Howard, Terrence Malick and James Cameron.”