Is Indie Film Dying?

“All winter and spring, people in the independent-film business have been murmuring politely behind their hands and pretending not to see the 800-pound walrus in the corner of the room: The indie industry is undergoing a sudden and largely unexpected meltdown. It hasn’t turned out to be a sensible investment. Mark Gill calculates the odds of losing all your money on an independent film at 99.95 percent.” On the other hand…

Recording Industry Pressing Broadcasters To Pay Musicians Royalties

“On Monday, the recording industry sent the National Association of Broadcasters — the trade group representing the $16 billion a year AM-FM broadcasting business — a can of herring to underscore that it believes its arguments against paying royalties are a red herring. The NAB says its members should not pay royalties because AM-FM radio “promotes” the music industry.”

Boy George Barred From The US

“At the moment, Boy George cannot come to the United States of America because he has been refused permission to enter by the USA Administration. This is not in respect of anything he has done in the past but because he is facing a trial in November in London for something that happened in April last year.” He was to have performed 24 concerts beginning in July.