We Now Have A Concerto For Ophicleide

This odd brass instrument – something like a cross between a tuba and a saxophone – featured in the orchestras used by Verdi, Mendelssohn, Wagner and especially Berlioz but had fallen out of use by 1900. Yet when New York composer William Perry heard Sydney brass virtuoso Nick Byrne play the ophicleide, a beautiful relationship was born and a new concerto conceived.

Gertrude Stein’s Prose Is ‘A Bedrock Of Modern American Writing’

Adam Gopnik: “It isn’t the least of Stein’s virtues, or importance, that Hemingway was in many ways the popularizer of a style that she had invented. One could even say, to borrow Picasso’s famous disparaging remark about his imitators, that Stein did it first and Hemingway did it pretty. But, prettified or not, Hemingway’s style was the most influential in American prose for more than fifty years.”