Architect Henning Larsen, 87

Famed for the deployment of natural light in his designs, Larsen is known for the main municipal library in Malmö Sweden; Saudi Arabia’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs building in Riyadh; the Harpa concert hall/conference center in Reykjavik; and the 2005 harborfront Copenhagen Opera House – over which his battles with the builder and funder of the project, shipping magnate Mærsk McKinney Møller, became famous.

Director Of Perm’s New Contemporary Art Museum Fired

“The Russian contemporary art impresario Marat Guelman has been fired as the director of the Perm Museum of Contemporary Art, which he created in 2008 as part of a project to turn the drab military-industrial Soviet city into a modern art center like Bilbao.” At issue are the finances of a summer arts festival and several controversial exhibitions, including one critical of the 2014 Sochi Winter Olympics.

Why Venice Should Charge Every Tourist Who Enters €30

Anna Somers Cocks: “The interviewer at the BBC World Service clearly thought that this was a toff’s attempt to keep out the riff-raff when it is nothing of the sort, so … here are the reasons why I think charging would be good for everyone, rich and poor, Venetians and non-Venetians, as well as the mayor himself and the preservation of the city.”

You Know What Really Leads To Creativity? Mistakes, Bad Planning, And Delusion

Malcolm Gladwell: “Creativity always comes as a surprise to us; therefore we can never count on it and we dare not believe in it until it has happened. … Hence, the only way in which we can bring our creative resources fully into play is by misjudging the nature of the task, by presenting it to ourselves as more routine, simple, undemanding of genuine creativity than it will turn out to be.”