11 Insights About How Creativity Works

“We like to think of inspiration ‘striking’ us at unlikely moments — and it does. (We’ve all had that shower moment, right?) The problem is, we attribute that moment to some mystical magic coming out of the air. However, research has shown that it’s not magic at all, but rather our brains making connections behind the scenes.”

Ballerina Fired For Speaking Out About Anorexia Talks About Her First Year Back On The Job

In 2011, Mariafrancesca Garritano (pen name Mary Garret) spoke out and eventually wrote about the anorexia she developed after being fat-shamed by instructors at La Scala’s ballet school – and the company fired her and charged her with libel. Last year Italy’s highest court ruled that she had been unfairly dismissed and should get her job back. Here she talks about her return to the company and the effects of four years away from ballet.

Conjuring The Ghost Of Leonard Bernstein At The Dakota

Yes, this is a real thing that happens. Larry and Toby Milstein are the 20-something children of the (very wealthy) people who live in the apartment where Bernstein used to live. “Inspired by the many artists who have called the Dakota home, and spurred by their own substantial arts philanthropy, these millennial billion-heirs have taken to hosting séances that are attended by their fashionable set of well-connected peers.”

A Deep Dive Into The Sudden Wave Of Screen Time For Muslim Men In Love

Yay, more stories for South Asian Muslims! Well, South Asian Muslim men, straight men, with white girlfriends, anyway. “This fantasy doesn’t have much room for South Asian women. Their choices are reflective of the stubborn limitations of an industry where straight men still dominate, and where whiteness remains an integral component to what love looks like onscreen.”

Harry Potter’s Been Around For 20 Years, And The Series’ Readers/Watchers Remain Ensorcelled

The original readers are fully integrated in adult life now; what did the series teach them? “A 2014 study found that teenagers who identified with Harry displayed more tolerance towards refugees, immigrants and LGBTQ people. In 2016, another study found that Harry Potter readers were less likely to vote for the then-presidential candidate Donald Trump.”