St. Paul Chamber Orchestra Transformer Resigns As Cancer Returns

Brucs Coppock helped remake the orchestra in a series of radical moves that changed the very nature of how the organization works. Coppock,has been “the longest-serving managing director in the SPCO’s 50 years, and told the organization’s board of directors about the reoccurrence of the cholangeocarcinoma (cancer of the bile duct) in an emotional meeting.”

A Look Inside The Louvre’s Abu Dhabi Deal

“It reveals that a relatively small number of works will be lent, with a “reasonable number” coming from the Louvre’s collections. At the launch of the new museum in 2012, it will be 300 works; four years later, 250 works, seven years later, 200. After ten years, the loans will cease. All works loaned to the museum will be indemnified from seizure within the UAE.”

A Representation Of Everything

“Language is one of the best data-compression mechanisms we have. The information contained in literature, or even email, encodes our identity as human beings. The entire literary canon may be smaller than what comes out of particle accelerators or models of the human brain, but the meaning coded into words can’t be measured in bytes. It’s deeply compressed. Twelve words from Voltaire can hold a lifetime of experience.”

Canadian Opera Company Gets A New Director

“For the last four years, Alexander Neef served as director of casting for the Opéra National de Paris, where he worked closely with the renowned artistic director Gérard Mortier. Before that, he was involved with artistic administration at Germany’s Ruhr Trienniale, where he was charged with preparing opera, theatre and dance productions. And before that, he worked at Austria’s Salzburg Festival.”

LA MoCA Gift Shop Strays Into Legal Trouble

“The temporary retail space allowed in October by the Museum of Contemporary Art has become the center of litigation, though. A class action suit brought Monday by an L.A. collector alleges that Louis Vuitton failed to take the law into account when selling limited-edition prints by Japanese Pop artist Takashi Murakami at his show at the museum’s Geffen Contemporary.”