When Philosophers Think About Online Pornography

“Much as video killed the radio star, the internet has killed the porn star. … This is both true and not true: the internet did kill porn. But the internet is also for porn. Fortunately, this is not some sort of Schrodinger’s Porn in which the porn is neither alive nor dead until it is observed. Interestingly enough, this decline of the traditional porn industry does raise some ethical concerns.”

Melba Recordings – Good Classical Label Or Australian Government Payola? (Yes.)

“The use of an arts grant to fund what was more like a business development project has meant that the collection of world-class recordings has been funded for both its operating costs (such as hiring musicians) and capital costs (such as acquiring studio recording equipment) by the government, yet finished up in private hands.”

Concern Over Destruction Of Moscow Monuments

“The controversial destruction of monuments has contributed to recent anti-government protests in Russia, even though a number of preservationists believe that Moscow’s authorities are doing a better job of saving landmark buildings under Sergei Sobyanin, who was elected as the city’s mayor in 2010, than under his predecessor Yuri Luzhkov, who was notorious for allowing historical architecture to be demolished.”

Important Jackson Pollock Painting Headed To Getty For Restoration

“Two Getty branches, the museum and conservation group, have teamed up to work on the painting together. The head of paintings conservation for the museum, Yvonne Szafran, named three goals for their work. One is to address the sagging of the canvas at the center caused by its weight and size. Another is to replace or reinforce the stretcher. A third goal, if possible, is to remove the varnish that was added after Pollock’s lifetime.”

Activists Begin Moves To Preserve Moscow’s Architectural Monuments

“Preservationists are voicing growing concerns about Moscow’s architectural heritage and the state’s role in ensuring it survives. The controversial destruction of monuments has contributed to recent anti-government protests in Russia,” though current mayor Sergei Sobyanin is seen as more sympathetic to such concerns than his demolition-happy predecessor, Yuri Luzhkov.

Perth Gets A Second Orchestra

The Perth Symphony Orchestra, Australia’s newest professional symphonic ensemble, was created by conductor Jessica Gethin to take advantage of extra performance opportunities (including non-traditional formats and non-classical music) that the long-established West Australian Symphony may not be able to cover in Australia’s vastest state.