Is An Online-Only Museum Really A Museum At All?

“Middlesex University’s Museum of Domestic Design & Architecture (MoDA) closed its public gallery spaces last summer,” going online-only. MoDA’s senior curator insists “that MoDA is still a museum – after all, the point of a museum is to share collections and it will still do that.” She also “reject[s] the term ‘virtual museum’, which she said implies that it doesn’t exist in reality.”

Why A Silicon Valley Tech Non-Profit Is The Place People Want To Work

“Khan Academy, an educational non-profit, is becoming one of the sexiest workplaces for programmers in Silicon Valley, where stock options, IPOs and big-money acquisitions have long been considered key to luring talent. It’s attracted star coders from companies like Google and Microsoft and, as it grows, has its pick of some of the tech sector’s top engineers.”

Why E-Books Aren’t Taking Off In France

“In contrast to the UK’s famous three-for-two deals, the French state fixes the prices of books and readers pay the same whether they buy online, at a high-street giant or a small bookseller. Discounting is banned. The government boasts that price controls have saved small independent bookshops from the ravages of free-market capitalism that were unleashed in the UK when it abandoned fixed prices in the 1990s.”

Editors At Australia’s Leading Newspapers “Resign”

“The clean-out of editors comes ahead ahead of a major restructure of the two metropolitan broadsheets which will see the end of the traditional news-gathering model and a new structure of five geographical editors-in-chief of Sydney, Melbourne, Canberra, Brisbane and Perth.” Last week, the newspapers’ publisher announced 1,900 layoffs at the papers.