What If “The Splasher” Is A Collective? (But Why?)

“Street artists have speculated for months about the identity of a mysterious figure who has become known as ‘the Splasher’ because he or she hurled colorful blobs of paint at prominent pieces of art on exterior walls in Brooklyn and Lower Manhattan. The only clues left behind in the paint assaults were bold manifestoes — phrases like ‘destroy the museums, in the streets and everywhere’ — that appeared to critique the commercialization of art. Now it appears that there may be more than one Splasher….”

Broadway: He’s Gotta Have It

“The first revival of ‘Stalag 17,’ the 1951 comedy-drama about American prisoners of war written by two former P.O.W.’s, Donald Bevan and Edmund Trzcinski, is scheduled to arrive on Broadway in late spring next year. And in one of the more surprising combinations in recent Broadway history, the director of the new production will be Spike Lee. Yes, that Spike Lee.”

art/sport, oil/water

“Though lumped together by Government in the Department for Culture, Media and Sport, art and sport make very uneasy bedfellows. Maybe politicians think of them both as the leisure industries for people who didn’t want a proper job. But sport operates on the whole in a strictly controlled artificial arena with clear rules, and performance can usually be judged by empirical means, whereas in the arts we are encouraged to break the rules, intuition is the referee and no infrared beam will measure its worth, though I think some politicians wish it could be so.”