What’s Behind The Disaster At USC’s Art School?

The departure of HaeAhn Kwon, this year’s only enrolled MFA student, “a year after an entire class of seven studio art MFA students withdrew from Roski to protest curriculum changes and staff defections, is prompting new questions about USC’s commitment to the fine arts and renewed accusations that the university cares more about buzzy programs.” Carolina Miranda reports.

If ‘Sleeping Beauty’ Is A Story Ballet, What’s The Actual Narrative?

“On the face of it, the ballet demonstrates the opposite of suspense. It has a prologue and three acts — but, before the Prologue is over, two rival divinities, the vengeful Carabosse and the beneficent Lilac Fairy, have told us what’s going to happen. So guess what? Then it happens. What’s more, it all happens during Acts I and II. Act III has no narrative at all, just the happy couple’s wedding and their fairy tale guests. The whole thing sounds daft,”

Who Taught The Latest Tarzan How To Move? A Ballet Choreographer

“For The Legend of Tarzan, … director David Yates wanted his leading man Alexander Skarsgård to be the most authentic and instinctive Tarzan ever seen. Whom did he task with making it happen? Step forward, Royal Ballet choreographer Wayne McGregor. Getting English ballet’s most respected choreographer to train the lord of the apes may not seem an obvious move. But director Yates knew exactly what he was doing.”

A History Of How The Word Processor Took Over as The Writing Machine Of Choice

“One thing that was really different about word processing is that there were dozens and dozens of word-processing options, dozens and dozens of systems and software and formats, all of them incompatible and comparatively expensive. If you made a bad choice, that would have been a real setback for a writer. So realizing what you needed, and shopping for a computer—that in and of itself was a barrier as much as any big sense of technophobia.”