Why Some Bad Ideas, Like Zombies And Kudzu, Just Won’t Die (There Are Still Flat-Earthers, For Pete’s Sake)

Yes, “the belief that the best ideas will always succeed is rather like the faith that unregulated financial markets will always produce the best economic outcomes. … But in the marketplace of ideas, zombies can actually be useful. Or if not, they can at least make us feel better. That, paradoxically, is what I think the flat-Earthers of today are really offering – comfort.”

Baltimore Symphony Receives $1.2M Gift To Bring Poorest Students To Concerts

“[The donation from Mark and Patricia Joseph] will more than triple the number of financially disadvantaged students who attend the orchestra’s popular midweek concert series for local schools … Officials explained that many children couldn’t afford the $10 ticket price, let alone the often-prohibitive cost of renting a bus.”

Dürer Never Saw A Rhinoceros, But His Woodcut Of One Was A Megahit (And Wasn’t Too Far Off)

“Five hundred years ago in 1516, the first rhinoceros seen in Europe since the days of the Roman Empire drowned off the coast of Italy in a shipwreck. … This was the rhinoceros portrayed by Albrecht Dürer in his famous woodblock print of 1515. … [He] was like most people in Europe: he never actually saw the rhinoceros. He relied on a written description and sketch sent from Lisbon.”

Athens Has An Impressive New Cultural Center – But For Now, It’s Sitting Empty

“Backed by the might of private philanthropy, the Stavros Niarchos Foundation Cultural Centre was launched at the weekend to a grand fanfare of concerts and fireworks. Except it hasn’t actually opened, nor has an opening date been announced. Both the national library and opera house have been gifted a further €5m to relocate here, but funding beyond that remains up in the air.”

Vancouver Opera Director Steps Down After 17 Years And Reinventing The Company

“If the opera world has changed, VO is trying to change with it. Last year, in a shocker, the company announced that it would be moving after the 2015-16 season to a festival model. While some people understood the rationale and acknowledged the company’s tough position as well as the budgetary – and other – advantages of a festival model, others were vehemently opposed – most notably and vocally, Vancouver Symphony Orchestra music director Bramwell Tovey.”

Do Some Artists Create Too Much Art?

R. F. Luchetti has written 1,551 books. Woody Allen has directed 46 movies. Some artists are incredibly prolific – and successful – at the their work. But is there such a thing as too much? Have Damien Hirst or Stephen King made too much? Here’s a list of high producers in various art forms.