We Increasingly Depend On Bayesian Probability Logic. So Why Was It Dismissed For So Long?

For most of the two and a half centuries since the Reverend Thomas Bayes first made his pioneering contributions to probability theory, his ideas were side-lined. The high priests of statistical thinking condemned them as dangerously subjective and Bayesian theorists were regarded as little better than cranks. It is only over the past couple of decades that the tide has turned.

World’s Oldest Conductor Dies At 101

Edward Simons apparently became the world’s oldest active conductor when he took up the baton at age 100 to conduct Samuel Barber’s Adagio for Strings on Sept. 10, during the “2017 Annual Concert for Remembrance, 9/11,” at Grace Episcopal Church in Nyack. Guinness World Records currently lists Spain’s Juan Garcés Queralt, who conducted a concert at age 99 and 311 days, as the oldest, but is reviewing an application to recognize Simons’ achievement.

Beyonce And Jay Z’s Video In The Louvre – Does It Change The Way We Look At Museums?

The music video is a true feast for the eyes as beautiful people take over a beautiful place in ways we’ve never seen — because people of color rarely have the opportunity to claim such spaces, a fact that adds to the extraordinariness of the couple’s feat. However, while the Carters’ accomplishment underscores the egregious lack of representation and audiences of people of color in art spaces, it also perpetuates the damaging notion that art is a luxury.

The Man Building Robots That Look (And Increasingly Act) Human

Last year, Hanson Robotics released its first consumer robot, Professor Einstein, a $199, 16-inch animatronic companion for kids that can answer questions, play brain games and discuss science and math. This year the company, which has about 50 employees, plans to release updates for Professor Einstein and to produce about 100 copies of Sophia and other human-sized robots. The androids function as programmable machines that can be used to train doctors, deliver therapies for depression, care for the elderly and interact with customers. Most importantly, Hanson is excited about all the functions people have yet to dream up. Imagine your iPhone without the apps.