Does Canadian Theatre Even Exist?

“The United States and England may be two countries separated by a common language, but the fact remains that theatrical literature flows fairly freely across the Atlantic, with Irish and the occasional Scottish work thrown in for good measure. If you use theatrical awards as any kind of a yardstick, it’s often hard to tell, based upon nominees and winners in any given year, whether you’re looking at results for The Tonys or The Oliviers. … But what of Canada?”

Hell Yes, Canadian Theatre Exists (Let Me Introduce You To Vancouver)

Not only does it exist, but it’s a long list. “As I sat down to write this I became totally overwhelmed with the sheer number of playwrights in Vancouver and want to apologize in advance for anyone I’ve forgotten.Every time I thought the list was done I thought of more people who should be on it, and I’m positive there are still more missing.”

Does Famed British Author Martin Amis Want His Fame? Maybe Not

Is Martin Amis in the grip of the fame monster? “Only this week, his comments about how the British don’t show enough respect to writers made the headlines. You have only to think about how he dismissed the royal family as ‘Philistines’ or the absurd kerfuffle when he chose to spend a chunk of a large advance on having his teeth fixed. Or the discovery of a daughter from a previous relationship. Or the criticism he got for writing about his cousin who was murdered by mass murderer Fred West. Or that he has moved to New York with his wife, Isabel Fonseca, and their two daughters. Or the fact he has never been shortlisted for the Booker.”